Conditions at 21:25 on 17 February 2015 local time
Extreme conditions since midnight
Outdoor temperature
4.7 °C and Falling (-0.6°C/hr)
Maximum temperature
8.8 °C at 14:35
Minimum temperature
2.3 °C at 07:40
Outdoor humidity
Maximum humidity
62% at 08:08
Dew point
-7.1 °C
Minimum humidity
29% at 14:37
Barometric pressure
611.0 hPa and Steady (0.0hPa/hr)
Maximum barometer
611.0 hPa at 00:00
Minimum barometer
611.0 hPa at 00:00
Apparent temperature
0.8 °C
Maximum apparent temperature
4.9 °C at 17:03
Minimum apparent temperature
-0.8 °C at 04:51
Wind chill
3.5 °C
Minimum wind chill
1.4 °C
Heat index
4.7 °C
Maximum heat index
8.8 °C
Wind speed (gust)
8.6 km/h from S
Maximum wind (gust)
16.9 km/h at 13:33
Light air (Beaufort F1)
Light breeze (Beaufort F2)
Maximum wind (gust) in the last 10mins
9.4 km/h
Wind run
79.9 km
Wind speed (10 minute average)
5.7 km/h from S
Rainfall in the last hour
0.0 mm
Last rainfall at
20:57 on 16 Feb
Rainfall yesterday
6.0 mm
Rainfall amount
0.0 mm since midnight
RG11 Rainfall yesterday
0.0 mm
RG11 Rainfall amount
0.0 mm since midnight
Indoor temperature
15.3 °C
Days since last dry day
Indoor humidity
Days since it last rained
Mead fermenter temperature
0.0 °C
Server uptime
12 days 8 hours
Program uptime
7 hours
Conservatory temperature
16.5 °C
Conservatory humidity
Exceptional Weather, Stormy, much precipitation